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Italy’s No.1 hybrid English academy for kids and teens!

We guarantee your children will speak English and be ready for university or work abroad.

Join For Free
2000 Students

Official Cambridge Preparation Centre.

How does Convo work?

Annual Courses

Small group courses with a native teacher from October - June. Perfect for interaction and to pass an exam.


1-1 Courses

Decide when to study and choose your favourite teacher. Best for students who need flexibility.


Learning English must be fun... it doesn’t feel like learning!

We've taught children of all ages since 2008. We understand they are busy at school and full of activities. That's why Convo classes are:

Interactive and fun
Speaking focused
Speaking focused
Using both digital and traditional exercises
Dynamic with a range of activities and tasks
To get the best out of students.

What makes us a hybrid English school?

With Convo, you always have a trusted teacher! Teaching children is completely different from teaching adults, hence why Convo teachers are specifically trained to help children excel at learning English.

Excursions throughout the year
Study abroad experiences
Events, city tours and workshops
Immersive English language experiences
Consistently train and upskill
Teaching English since
CELTA & TEFL Qualified teachers in 5 countries
Students taught Preparation for Cambridge, Cambridge Starters, Movers,Flyers & IELTS
Results 2x faster than traditional language schools

What Our Students say

When my company became a multinational 5 years ago, I was concerned by the new challenge of "English language." I met Convo and with their help, learning English hasn't been so difficult. They gave me the key to success; teaching me to love it! Now I can say that if you trust them you'll be sure that your English level will increase quickly.

Luigi, Hitachi


Being a doctor also means dedicating time to academic research to increase medical knowledge. Research and international conferences are all in English, to facilitate communication between scientists worldwide which is why I need to keep myself "trained". I often need to discuss my research projects and share my results, in the best way possible and Convo has helped me reach this goal.

Anna, Resident Medical Doctor


Thanks to online English lessons I was able to build strong linguistic competences needed for my future training and professional pathway. I attend a Master in Finance, taught entirely in English so support from my personal tutor has been fundamental to achieve my exams without any difficulty. Since I was very young, I had English lessons with Steven and my level has increased from KET (A2) to ADVANCED (C1), obtaining each Cambridge certification!

Pierluigi, Economics graduate


I believe that online lessons are a perfect way to improve my level of English considering my professional engagements. Over the years, I have been able to increase my knowledge and skills thanks to this method.

Stefania, Financial Analyst, Be Consulting Spa


I met Steven in 2008 and since then I've been doing English lessons with him who later opened Convo. He’s one of Convo's beating hearts. Thanks to him & Convo I improved my English and also enjoyed lessons.
Indeed, online lessons are productive (in fact your mistakes are immediately shown on the screen) and interactive, since you’re asked to do different kind of exercises during it. Additionally lessons are also interesting as topics vary on a weekly basis and this is also an opportunity to share ideas and opinions with the teachers.
I think Convo is a cool project and I suggest everyone to at least give it a try!

Alessandro, Insight Studio

Legale, Milan

Alessandro Testimonial Profile
I can proudly say that I was able to get a 7,5 overall in IELTS, which definitely would have been quite unbelievable to me 4-5 months ago! Steve is very kind, honest and highly focused on your individual needs, so that you are provided with the strategies and motivation. Undoubtedly I couldn’t have done it without his tips and training! Therefore, I can’t recommend Steve highly enough as a teacher, thank you!

Julio, Dentist


Julio Testimonial Profile
I joined the professional preparation fast-track. The fantastic surprise I had was that with Convo, this is done through a significant improvement of the English level of the participants. The amazing methodology based on interaction, input, feedback and inspiration really makes the difference in learning a language.

Sabrina, Senior Retail Manager


Sabrina Testimonial Profile
Being a student for Convo has been highly helpful for the preparation of the C1 exam. I’d like to emphasise the support I’ve received from my teacher and the motivation that she always inspires in me. Scheduling the lessons has been very easy and flexible.

Cesar Piqueras, Author


Cesar Testimonial Profile

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Convo è il numero uno per i corsi di lingua personalizzati.

Progetta il tuo percorso di apprendimento in base al tuo programma e alle tue preferenze.
Convo NON è un marketplace! Siamo un'accademia digitale e un centro ufficiale di preparazione Cambridge.

La nostra priorità è garantire che i nostri studenti raggiungano i loro obiettivi!
Scegli tra una selezione di insegnanti bilingue professionisti con una varietà di accenti e pronunce.

Iscriviti a corsi 1-1 o di gruppo.

0 rischio - prenota una prova, una lezione singola o un pacchetto di lezioni.
Unisciti a un corso di gruppo o annuale per il miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo

I corsi di gruppo sono un ottimo modo per migliorare la tua esperienza Convo! Alcuni dei vantaggi dell'apprendimento in un piccolo gruppo includono:

Insegnante professionale personale
I gruppi sono piccoli per mantenere un insegnamento e un apprendimento di alta qualità
Maggiore interazione, responsabilità e nuove amicizie
Area del corso digitale privato per supporto tra pari, compiti a casa e risorse
Costo più basso
Date specifiche di inizio/fine/giorni e orari delle lezioni

I gruppi sono il modo migliore per rimanere motivati e divertirsi imparando una lingua
Convo è specializzata nell'insegnamento dell'inglese come seconda lingua (ESL). Oltre alla conversazione e alla preparazione agli esami Cambridge e IELTS, puoi anche imparare l'inglese per competenze specifiche come l'inglese commerciale, l'inglese medico, l'inglese legale e molte altre.

Insegniamo anche lo spagnolo, la seconda lingua più parlata al mondo e l'italiano, probabilmente la lingua più romantica del pianeta!
1. Crea un profilo semplicemente facendo clic su Iscriviti. Segui le istruzioni e apri l'e-mail di conferma che ti è stata inviata.

2. Nella sezione “Corsi” potrai scegliere la tipologia di corso e l'iscrizione, mensile o per corso.

3. Nel caso di lezioni 1-1 potrai anche scegliere il docente e successivamente prenotare le lezioni tramite il calendario interno.

Per consigli su corsi e docenti contattare la nostra Responsabile Didattica Emma Fusco +39 380 682 2448

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